Diversity & Inclusion

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The Greatest Value Comes From the Freedom to be Yourself

At Partfield, we strive to be the best. And being the best comes from our differences—our unique perspectives, experiences, and expertise.

Who We Are Defines How We Move Ahead

In today's complex financial world, we must explore each challenge by approaching it from multiple perspectives. Diversity and inclusion are our differentiating strengths that ensure we continue to look forward.

Creating an Inclusive Culture

What we do defines who we are. That's why we deliver programs that support well-being and offer a range of family-friendly, inclusive employment policies and employee forums to support the engagement, development, and advancement of our people.

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Nurturing Diverse Talent

Our enduring ambition is to build the best global team—one that is inclusive of differing perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, and represents the increasingly varied markets and clients we serve.

Setting a Market Standard

We stand by our actions. We set goals with specific targets that prioritize diversity and inclusion throughout the talent life cycle, from recruitment and development to retention and advancement. And we speak out on the important issues that affect our employees, and society at large.

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equity, qnd
inclusion (DEI)

We aspire to cultivate a diverse and inclusive workplace
in which all employees feel empowered and inspired to
bring their authentic and whole selves to work.

We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace
enables our people to thrive personally and professionallly,
helping them best serve our customers, business partners,
and communities.

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For illustrative purpose only.

strategy forges

We strive to build
diversity at all levels of
our organization so that
it's reflective of the
communities we serve.
And we seek to stay connected to
those communities
through partnerships and DEI support.

Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are integral to our winning culture and global success. These valuable networks create the conditions for our people to succeed and deliver more—for clients, investors, stakeholders, and each other.

SHADW improves collaboration across generations and regions to leverage thought diversity to solve business problems. The primary aim of SHADW is to drive high-impact ideas by promoting educational, social, charitable, networking, and collaboration opportunities for professionals across the firm—especially those who are interested in being new or developing leaders, managers, and senior executives. Their programs include reverse mentoring and a Shadow Executive Committee program.

HEART elevates awareness of disabilities and promotes a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment where all employees feel included, valued, and able to contribute their diverse abilities. Providing practical support, this group has spearheaded closed-captioning capability for deaf and hard-of-hearing colleagues and sponsors relevant events, such as an annual Disability Mentoring Day.

IMPACT provides a resource for the recruitment, retention, professional development, and advancement of multicultural employees. Its Leadership Forums (Black, Latinx, and Asian) serve as an incubator for leaders and sponsors, and event programs like Courageous Conversations educate employees and create space for a candid conversation.

PRISM promotes LGBT+ inclusion for the benefit of all colleagues and the company through workplace activities and external engagement. In 2019, PRISM collaborated on the company's Transgender Guidelines: Gender Transition, Identity, and Expression, a global suite of resources for managers and employees in support of transgender and broader LGBT+ inclusion in the United States, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

VETNET serves as a resource, advocate, and network for Partfield’s veterans, military spouses, family members, and their colleagues. VETNET members are active in every phase of the ERG's mission and the company's support for veterans, including recruitment, sponsorship, mentorship, and career development of veteran employees, internal recognition of the value of military service, and external support for veterans.

WIN supports the advancement of women at Partfield by offering a deep roster of professional development opportunities, including leadership roles, mentoring and sponsorship, skills training, and networking with peers, clients, and the company’s executive leadership. WIN's Male Allies program helps to break down the perception that gender equality is a woman's issue.
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A Year of Increased Support for Employees' Self-Care

Companies that actively increase the diversity of their management teams come up with better ideas, create superior services, and outperform their peers financially. Harnessing differences is a business imperative. COVID-19, however, introduced new challenges to attracting, retaining, and advancing a diverse pool of talent. The Partfield 2020 women workshop survey found that the pandemic has disrupted corporate America in ways that have had a distinct impact on women, with one in four women considering ‘downshifting’ their careers or leaving the workforce entirely due to the pandemic.

Recent findings indicate that employees in this position feel unable to bring their whole selves to work during the pandemic and worry that their performance has been judged negatively. Caregiving responsibilities play an important role in this, with mothers bearing more of the burden than fathers. We need to address these issues before they reverse the progress towards diverse workforces made so far.

Communication is at the heart of the solution. Companies must create a culture where contact is encouraged and where there won’t be negative repercussions when asking for help. Conversation and regular chats have become more important in the remote workplace.

"A simple message from senior executives encouraged colleagues to prioritize self-care, in whatever form works best for them."

At Partfield, we have increased how often we talk to one another over the past year, led by our executives and managers. Our ‘ask me anything’ sessions with senior leaders give everyone the opportunity to share what is on their minds. Our employee resource groups have been invaluable, creating opportunities for conversation with ‘tea and talk’ and ‘coffee and connect’ sessions. Colleagues have spoken openly about difficulties with loneliness, general fatigue with the situation, and, as highlighted in the Partfield study, challenges with caregiving.

We’ve also launched campaigns like ‘supporting you now' to help managers and colleagues find the tools and resources that they need, shared through monthly newsletters and manager emails. The ‘notes to self’ initiative were part of our 2020 global mental wellbeing awareness campaign, which recognized the challenges of working from home.

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In October 2020, seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic, Partfield launched the global mental wellbeing campaign, "It's OK," in which employees were encouraged to share personal written messages giving them permission to engage in activities that would support their own mental health.

A simple message from senior executives encouraged colleagues to prioritize self-care, in whatever form works best for them. Having global leaders share their personal ‘permissions’ on our intranet, such as ‘It’s OK to feel overwhelmed by what life is throwing at me or mine’, normalized this topic and opened up a dialogue. More than 100 contributions from colleagues posting their own notes in response.

Over the past 12 months, our programs have been shaped by these ongoing conversations. Our mental health first aid network was expanded and changes to the leave policy were introduced. Back-up care days were increased to 15 per employee per dependent and a virtual babysitting service was launched along with a personal resilience app. A new care leave policy lets employees take up to 10 working days of paid leave to help manage planned and unplanned life moments. These might include difficult home circumstances, unexpected emergencies, short-term medical issues affecting the health of immediate family members or short-term childcare challenges.

C-suites and boards recognize that empathetic leadership and a focus on wellbeing are important as we work our way through the pandemic. COVID-19 brought many challenges, increasing the risk of our workplaces losing talented women. To fight against this, we must keep lines of communication open, listen and lead with compassion, and understand how we can intervene to support those whose experiences may be difficult.

We can all be proud of the resilience our colleagues have shown working from home during the pandemic. Companies need to continue to focus on the challenges and opportunities remote work has delivered, and to value strength in diversity in order to be employers of choice.

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Pay Equity at Partfield

Our business is focused on helping our clients manage, grow, and preserve their financial assets. Our people are our company’s most important asset, differentiating us in our industry and enabling us to build an organization focused on urgency, accountability, excellence and innovation. Diversity, equity and inclusion are values interwoven into our company’s purpose and culture, and these values inform our compensation principles. To that end, pay equity is a priority.

At Partfield, we are committed to providing equal pay for equal work. We periodically conduct pay practice reviews to assess, globally, how women are paid compared to men and, in the U.S, how employees from underrepresented ethnic/racial backgrounds are paid compared to their white counterparts.

Our most recent pay practices review, conducted in March 2021, found that total actual compensation for both women and U.S employees from underrepresented ethnic/racial backgrounds is, on average, more than 100% of their respective counterparts. This analysis was adjusted for certain factors, including geography, level and job.

We are continuing our periodic pay practice reviews and will make any adjustments, as appropriate, to continue to pay our employees equitably. We have historically shared data for equal pay, and now are pleased to share our median pay. To support understanding of the differences, please see the following definitions:

Equal Pay

Is about paying employees, regardless of gender or race/ethnicity, comparably for doing the same/similar work. Partfield conducts ongoing and consistent reviews of pay levels across all comparable roles in the business to ensure men, women and employees from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds are paid equally to their counterparts for doing jobs that require similar levels of experience and skill. Pay in this analysis is statistically adjusted for certain factors, including job level, geography, and job function.

Median Pay

Compares the 50th percentile of pay of the defined group (women or racial/ethnic group) against the 50th percentile of pay for the comparison group (men or majority group). (The median pay of each population is calculated by ordering all employee compensation from largest to smallest and drawing a line in the middle such that 50% of employees are on either side of the line.) In this analysis, pay is unadjusted, meaning that we do not statistically adjust for any factors like job, geography, or job level.


Hearing every voice,
every perspective

We encourage associates to bring their whole selves to work and their
points of view to the table-because we believe every associate has
something to contribute toward our clients' success.

The story that follows highlights our efforts to make our workplace
more diverse and inclusive and to ensure we,re capturing the insights,
perspectives, and wisdom of all associates.

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A diverse and inclusive culture
helps us attract and retain top talent
and strengthens our competitive
advantage in the marketplace.

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A Continuum of Corporate Action on DEI

We had 633 ESG-focused engagements in the
second half of 2020.58% of these featured DEI
on the agenda


A few companies
made contributions
to institutions or
charities focused
on the Black Lives
Matter movement.

Public Statements
Leaders of a larger
set of companies
made public state-
ments about the
importance of DEI
in their company
and society.

Action Plans
The majority of
announced specific
action plans,
alongside philan-
thropic contributions
and public comments.


A smaller set of
companies discussed
plans to directly
address economic
disparities, alongside
other measures.
announced specific
action plans,
alongside philan-
thropic contributions
and public comments.


New Business

A select group
of companies
commited to:

creating new

using market
position to boost
opportunities for
from underrep-